Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Character in Wayang Figures

Wayang represents the intersection/coincidence of different worlds:
  1. Hindu gods (esp. Shiva), who aid and interfere with both the Kaurava and Pandava
  2. The heroes (from Indian epics), the Pandavas and the Kaurava
  3. The Demons, opposing both sides; 
  4. The clowns, aiding both sides; Semar, the clown who aids the Pandavas, is older and more powerful than the gods.

The Kayon "Tree"/ Gunungan "Mountain" is 

  1. a marker of time: placed stage center to show the different sections of the performance; 
  2. a marker of space: stands for palace, forest, mountain, wind, etc; 
  3. a marker of transition/center: where all worlds overlap (Meru, Gong, etc)